تحدد أنظمة الضخ الغاطسة ذات العلامة التجارية في بترو المعيار الذي يتم من خلاله قياس جميع أنظمة ضخ الوقود الأخرى. بفضل معدلات التدفق الأفضل في فئتها والمدعومة بتاريخ طويل من الاعتمادية، فإن مضخات في بترو مسؤولة عن توصيل الوقود لآلاف العملاء حول العالم، يومًا بعد يوم.
Active Air Eliminator
FE PETRO® STPs come standard with active air elimination, which eliminates air through the highest point in the pump head at all times when the pump is running, assuring air does not pass into discharge piping.
Safety and Ease of Maintenance
FE PETRO® STPs include a contractor electrical disconnect, which requires loosening only one bolt, allowing motor wiring to be disconnected without venting the dangerous tank vapors into the sump when servicing FE PETRO® submersible products.
Simple Servicing
If ever required, the pump can be easily removed from the tank by unthreading three bolts. There is no need to disconnect the syphon system or to remove the leak detector from the system to service the STP.
Manual Pressure Relief
As a standard FE PETRO® feature, a vent screw is provided to bleed line pressure to zero when necessary. By turning this screw, product is diverted back to the tank, dropping line pressure to zero. This reduces fuel discharged into the sump manhole or dispenser pan during servicing, further protecting service technicians and the environment.
Outlast, Outperform with Franklin Electric Inside
FE PETRO® STPs are powered by the legendary Franklin Electric motor and built for long term performance. Franklin Electric-powered submersible pumps provide maximum uptime and a proven track record in the fueling industry that spans more than four decades. They feature best-in-class flow rates and a long history of dependability.
Quality Certification
Franklin Fueling Systems is an ISO 9001 Certified Manufacturer.
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